More About John

Hello, my name is John W. Aiken, Jr., thank you for visiting my
campaign website. The Primary Election is fast approaching
while there's qualified candidates to choose from, there’s also
organized special interest groups who don’t have your best interests in
A little about myself, I’m a son of a
veteran, who's also a son of a veteran. I come from a long
military lineage on my father’s side. His ancestors defended what would
be our country before it even gained its independence.
My family arrived with William Penn as colonists in the
and settled in Pennsylvania. William Penn granted my early
ancestor the lifetime right to brew beer and distill whiskey. I have
seen this document at the National Archives. After the French
Indian War, Delaware and Maryland was broken off from Pennsylvania. My
family then operated a tavern called Aiken's Tavern in Delaware’s New
Castle region. Taverns were like inns in those days where
could find shelter, food, and news. Slowly, settlers built
homes around the tavern and Aikentown
was formed before the Revolutionary War started. Back in
days everyone in America were British subjects and our future states
were still colonies. The French and British had their
colonies in
Canada and the Spanish had theirs in Florida and Cuba. (The
oldest city in the United States is St. Augustine in Florida. It was
founded in 1565.)
Like my family, there were a
lot of people already here in what would be the future United States of
America. Whenever
I hear
someone say that our country is a nation of immigrants it tells me that
they’ve never read past early 20th Century history. There is
big difference between colonists and immigrants.
My life experiences and education formed who I am. The two
influential factors in my life are my parents. My father was
disciplinarian and he did everything the military way since that’s all
he ever knew. My father’s father served in the Army Calvary
World World I. I even pursued a career in the military at one
I was born at Shaw AFB, South Carolina,
and David, my brother, was born at Fort Jackson, South Carolina,
another US Army
base. Growing up my brother and I shared a life of never
being in
one place for long as we were deployed to many different places in the
United States and overseas. I saw a lot early in my life and
learned to understand God, country, duty, and service. I experienced
heart-breaking loss and know the hardships brought on from the loss of
the family bread winner. I’ve known racism and I’ve seen
of faith. God tells us to pray often and to be specific in
prayer, he also wants us to pray for our leaders and enemies, above all
he wants us to always have hope.
My father was born in Columbia, South Carolina. He grew up with three
brothers and three sisters. They grew up during the Great
Depression. Life was hard in those days. My grandfather
worked in
a cotton gin mill and supported his large family until his death in
1956 when I was four years old. I don’t remember much of
Carolina, except with how much abusive white people treated black
people back then. As I was so little I didn’t understand why.
I was raised by a black woman who my grandfather hired to
the house. This lady was like a second mother to me and I
her. She would feed me, rock me, and sing hymns to
me. I’m
sure her acts of kindness played a part in my
development in
life. I remember crying when she went home.
I have memories
of the early days of NASCAR and my father’s brothers would race their
hot rods on weekends at the local track. When World War II
started, my father’s older brothers went off to serve. My father’s
three sisters joined the WAVES and WAC. My grandfather eldest
son, William, Jr, had a college education and was an Army commissioned
officer during the war. One brother served in the Navy on a
destroyer in the Pacific campaign. My father was 14 at that
and he ran away from home and joined the US Army. He served
almost a year before they caught him and sent him back home to my
grandfather. Since he already went through basic training and
served almost a year, with my grandfather’s written permission, the US
Army allowed him to reenlist when he turned 16.
My father wanted to work on airplanes so he joined the US
Air Force. My father was in the
USAF until the day he died. He just loved working on planes
often would take me with him to watch and/or play on the planes at the
hanger. When I was little I got to sit in the pilot’s seat on
many fighter jets. During the Vietnam War, when the F4C
Fighter Jet came out, they were delivered in crates from General
Electric. A crew of mechanics would then spend several days assembling
it. The first crate was delivered on a Friday. My father assembled it all by
himself over the weekend.
When Monday morning arrived, there was an operating, brand new F4C
fighter jet waiting for a pilot to try it out. The Air Force
so amazed that he assembled it all by himself over a weekend that they
gave him a commendation and had him show everyone how to do
For 26 years my father served our country in World War II, Korea, and
Vietnam. I saw pictures he took of the destruction in Europe. My father
never talked about what he did in the wars but told me war is
As I got older and understood what the
medals were that my father had on his uniform, I discovered that he
fought in the European and Pacific campaigns of WWII. He had two or
three battle stars and other foreign wars medals, so I
know he was active in many battles. He once told me about a
in Saigon when a kid parked his bicycle laden with explosives next to a
bar that service men would frequent. It went off killing and wounding
many GIs and civilians. He was fortunate to escape unharmed.
In 1969, at the age of 41, he died from a massive
heart attack.
My mother is the opposite of my father. She didn’t
drink, or smoke like he did. She also had a college
which my father didn’t. My mother is Japanese and was born in
Fukuoka, Japan. Her father (my grandfather) was employed in
Forestry Service. He sold his birth-right of farm land for a college
education. In
college he met my grandmother who came from a samurai family who had
previously served the Emperor’s family. She wore the Lotus
blossom print on her clothes to show that she has some royal blood, but
because of tradition only her and no one else in her family
could. My grandmother had a life of leisure and died as she
approached 100, missing it by a couple of months.
During World War II, my mother got a scholarship to go to
Nagasaki University. She wanted to be a music teacher, but
dream ended on August 9, 1945 when the atomic bomb destroyed the City
of Nagasaki, Japan. My mother was far enough away to not
immediately suffer from the destruction and blast. I often
that if that B-29 carrying the bomb was a few second sooner, or later,
I may have never existed. I have talked with her about that
but the memory brings her too much pain. She starts crying
and I
can see the hurt. When I was little, I remember her hating to
war movies.
While stationed in Japan during
the Korean War, my father met my mother. I once asked my mom
she married an American when they destroyed her city and caused so much
suffering? My mom said that my father was a good man and he
didn’t bomb the city. It was a war that nobody wanted, but couldn’t do
anything to stop.
When my father was gone to
war, she would take over the role as parent. My mother taught
about music, art, and literature. When my father died, she
back to college and got her Associates of Art degree in Cosmetology
from Spokane Community College, which was very hard for her to do since
English is not her native language. She opened her beauty
shop in
the Fox Theater Building on South Monroe and was there for
decades. She invested in the stock market and silver bullion
her earnings. Eventually, she bought rental properties and
laundry mats and became a successful business woman in a time when
women had a disadvantage in society. My mother taught me how
operate and manage a business. She also taught me that
is beyond reach and you shouldn’t give up just because someone
tells you it can’t be done. It can be done with perseverance
hard work.
When I was accepted to graduate
school at Eastern Washington University, I didn’t go for an easy quick
degree. I saw graduate school as an opportunity to do my own
research on things that mattered most to me, being an explorer and
scientist. Nowhere else could I have immediate access to the
scientific equipment I needed for what I was studying. I also
access to any book in the world library through the student loan
Much of the material written on my research
came from Russian scientists who were ahead of us in this
research. The equipment I used was for determining the
genesis of
our universe through the study of meteorites. To properly study
meteorites chemically and cryptographically you need a lot of
sophisticated equipment. Used was expensive to operate x-ray
diffraction and fluorescence, optical spectroscopy, electrons
microscopes, colorimetry, electron microprobe, atomic absorption,
neutron bombardment, and inductive coupling plasma devices.
Unfortunately very few were around.
Washington University let me use their equipment for free since I was
their graduate student. However I had to pay for instrument usage at
Washington State University where I spent many weekends at night
renting their equipment. I logged 120 hours of instrument time on my
research project just from Washington State University alone. I have no
idea how much lab time I put in at Eastern Washington University’s
lab. I did most my studies on x-rays, and I used the
inductive coupled plasma and atomic absorption testing to standardize
my results for accuracy. It became unnecessary for me to use
these expensive testing equipment as I refined the accuracy of the
cheaper x-ray and electron microprobe testing
equipment. My
work did not go unnoticed by geochemists and their graduate students
that ran the expensive equipment for me and was drawing interest in my
samples that had properties that no one every thought would be
I have been a mineral and fossil collector almost all my
life. I’ve collected many different rocks, minerals, fossils,
meteorites when I go out into the field. I would gather so
that it was difficult to store and protect them from damage, so I
started to sell my duplicates and the specimens I didn't
This is when I started my own gem and mineral business. It took me to
Arizona Pow-Wows and the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show in January and
February of each year. All the mineral and jewelry
manufacturers in the world attended those two annual events, including
world museums curators and buyers. It’s not unusual for
and/or rare minerals or fossils to be sold for only a few dollars while
they should have sold at the hundreds of thousands to million dollar
range. Going to these shows only made my interest in
expand further, and I would trade or buy minerals and fossils from
different areas to sell to other collectors.
got my wholesale and retail certification and I became a type of broker
for other collectors and sellers. I got interested in
stones and lapidary (work involved in engraving, cutting, or polishing
stones) for the jewelry retail market. I learned more about
it at
Spokane Community College. I studied Jewelry Retailing from
Gemological Institute of America. I learned how to grade pearls,
diamonds, and colored stones for appraising replacement
I got very skilled and competed at the Master Level in
faceting. As my reputation and business activities grew, it
opened more doors for me and I found myself sorting through gem parcels
called sites.
would sit on a light table sorting uncut diamonds, emerald, sapphires,
and garnets that mine owners wanted to sell. I got to hold
sixth largest diamond in the world and a $300K goose egg sized black
opal from Virgin Valley, Nevada that the Smithsonian Museum bought from
the guy who found it.
One day many years ago I found a piece of what is
called float rock.
Prospectors look for float rock to get a clue of what geologically is
in an area that they’re prospecting in. It helped my lab work
I looked for the geochemical signature that could lead me to a pegmatite
(a coarse crystalline granite or other igneous rock with crystals
several centimeters to several meters in length) somewhere in
northeastern Washington State. These pegmatites could yield gem grade
emeralds and garnets. I figured that there must be others and
started to look for pegmatites all through northeastern
Washington. I went to 38 locations and took many samples for
study. In Okanogan County, Washington I found a chunk of
float rock with emeralds all over it! This float
reminded me of the matrix rock in the famous Muzo and Chivor mines of
Columbia, where the world best quality of emeralds are mined.
also discovered the
kin of emerald, aquamarine.
(It’s blue instead of green, however an aquamarine can be green and
look like an emerald but emeralds have trace amounts of the element
chromium in it, and aquamarines don’t.) I also found some
gem grade red and orange garnets along with some green tourmaline in
some of the pegmatites. I was originally looking for
but my research for using geochemical signatures for prospecting
discovered something that shouldn't have been there and now the
scientific community was aware of this from testing my samples for me.
My research took years to do and is worthy of a PhD, not
just a
MS degree that I would have received, if I gave them my
thesis. I
figured I spent in 1984 dollars
about $10K from my own savings and earnings to fund my studies in
Washington State geology. What I have is no longer for the
domain, but is proprietary information. If I submit my study for my
thesis, I would give it to the world and somebody else would take my
data to make their own discoveries. This is why I did not
my thesis. However I did the next thing, I incorporated my own mining
and processing companies to exploit my discoveries for my own personal
gain. I staked mining claims on the best ground that I knew
and prepared to look for financial backing to get it going.
I no longer concentrate on science but instead for good old
capitalism, and that which benefits Washington State.

W. Aiken Campaign Committee, PO
Box 250, Medical Lake, Washington 99022-0250
© 2020 John W Aiken Campaign Committee